What an exciting day!!! I had my first OB appointment. This is a picture of baby's first picture. It really looks more like a peanut than a baby right now, but it is still neat. If you look closely you will see two stars, there is one at each end of the baby. Our due date is Feb. 23, 2010. We are 6weeks and 1 day today. It was really cool to see the baby's heart beating during the sonogram. It just looked like a little flicker. The baby's heart was beating 120 bpm, which is good! Everything looks awesome!
The only concern right now is that my blood pressure was pretty high. it was 143/95. Hopefully it will go back down! Other than that, I am feeling really good.
My next appointment is July 29th.
I will keep you all posted! We are soooooo excited!!!
Yeah!! Isn't it amazing to see that life inside of you? Take care of yourself and pace yourself. Everything will be fine !! If you need anything remember we neighbors (lol) so just let me know.